My name is Alison Murray. I am a 9th grade Physics teacher at Central Falls High School (CFHS). I am taking this class, CURR 501: Media Literacy, Popular Culture & Education, as part of a master's degree in TESL that I am working on as part of a joint program between CFHS and Rhode Island College. It has been almost 26 years since I was last a college student so this is really a fun experience for me. I am enjoying this much more than my last college experience, an M.S. in Physics from Drexel University.
My summer started on a definite down note as I managed to get sick with pneumonia in the last few weeks of school. I dragged myself over the finish line of the school year. Last week, which should have been my first week of vacation, I spent the last three days at school writing new curriculum. Over this past weekend I started doing classwork for the other two graduate classes I am taking this term. This is going to be a busy month due to the three graduate classes I'm taking. When this class ends I start teaching a blended astronomy class at CFHS. It will be the first partially online class that we have ever had at CFHS. I am really enjoying developing the technology and looking forward to figuring how to get my students to use it. Hopefully I will have a few real weeks off at the end of the summer.
Wow! Busy. Not the best way to start the summer. Make sure to take some time for yourself to chill so that you can stay healthy!!!